Sümegi Eszter, Wiedemann Bernadett, Kokas Katalin - Reformáció 500 / CAFe 2017
Eszter Sümegi (voice), Bernadett Wiedemann (voice), Katalin Kokas (violin) and Emese Virág (piano) in concert
Eszter Sümegi (voice), Bernadett Wiedemann (voice), Katalin Kokas (violin) and Emese Virág (piano) in concert
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Last event date: Monday, October 16 2017 7:30PM
György Orbán: Genfi zsoltárok (Geneva Psalms)
György Orbán: Két himnusz énekhangra, hegedűre és zongorára (Two Hymns for Voice, Violin and Piano) – premiere
György Orbán: Genfi zsoltárok (Geneva Psalms)
János Vajda–Endre Ady: Adja meg az Isten (May God Provide)
Péter Tóth–Anna Mechler: Magány (Solitude) – premiere
Gyula Fekete: Három dal Csokonai Vitéz Mihály verseire (Three Songs on Mihály Csokonai Vitéz’s poems) – premiere
János Vajda: Mrs Karnyó’s aria from the opera Mrs Karnyó
György Orbán: Zsoltárváltozat (Psalm Variation)
Host: Sándor Kovács
The Reformation not only brought a change to the religious life of Hungary, but also had a fundamental effect on our language, culture and art. Generations from Csokonai to Endre Ady were inspired by the poetry and music that throve under the influence of the Reformation. “The primary value of the Geneva Psalms is their biblical quality: the lyrics occasionally give up on linguistic beauty to remain as close to the original expressions of the Bible as possible. Similarly, they are enriched by a striving for musical and poetic perfection that allows each song to ‘gain access to our souls.’ What could be a more edifying nourishment?” wrote Gábor Bence.
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