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Adam Bałdych, Tore Brunborg és a Helge Lien Trio / CAFe 2017

Adam Bałdych, Tore Brunborg és a Helge Lien Trio / CAFe 2017

A fenomenális lengyel hegedűs, Adam Bałdych virtuozitásával nem csupán hangszerének lehetőségeit tágítja ki, rendkívüli technikáját a műfajok közötti határok átlépéséhez, illetve a határok felszámolásához is hozzásegíti. Előadásmódjában elhomályosul a különbség kompozíció és improvizáció között.


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Last event date: Tuesday, October 10 2017 9:00PM

The members of the trio: Helge Lien – piano, Frode Berg – bass guitar, Per Oddvar Johansen – drums


The virtuosity of phenomenal Polish violinist Adam Bałdych has helped him not only to extend the possibilities of his instrument, but also to cross, not to mention cancel, the boundaries between genres. His performance mode blurs the difference between composition and improvisation.

A jazz critic likened his magical musical charisma to that of dervishes. “Baldych gives his violin a voice and emotional power that have been too rarely heard in recent decades and offers a fresh take on the instrument for the contemporary scene,” praised his expressive force. 

He recorded Bridges with great Norwegian musicians, saxophonist Tore Brunborg and Helge Lien’s trio. Adam Bałdych’s playing and mode of expression give the lie to all stereotypes, and along with his stunning creativity and virtuosity, immediately make it clear why he earned the nickname “Evil.”

An event jointly organized with the Budapest Music Center.

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